Group Course: LinkedIn for Jobseekers


How to write your profile and use LinkedIn to attract recruiters and hiring managers 


A strong and active LinkedIn profile is essential to landing a job in today’s competitive market. An optimized LinkedIn profile helps you: 

  • Attract hiring managers and recruiters
  • Position yourself as a top candidate for new jobs
  • Amplify your personal brand and tell your career story in a compelling way
  • Build your network and make important connections at the places where you want to work 

If you know your LinkedIn profile needs work, but you don’t know where to start, I made this course for you. LinkedIn for Jobseekers is a four-week intensive bootcamp all about LinkedIn - how to optimize your profile and maximize your time on the site. Each week, you will watch a video, complete homework, and join me for a one-hour live Q&A.

LinkedIn for Jobseekers will help you: 

  • Talk about your complicated background in a way that is appealing to recruiters and hiring managers
  • Communicate your skills and experience on your LinkedIn profile, even if you're a "jack of all trades" or applying to several types of roles
  • Learn best practices to optimize your LinkedIn profile and boost your network connections
  • Create consistent content and engagement to attract attention from recruiters and hiring managers 

LinkedIn is no longer a “set it and forget it” site. You used to be able to write your profile, ignore the site, and get messages from recruiters. Not anymore.

LinkedIn changed its algorithm and now it rewards engagement, relevance, and knowledge. That is, the more you are active on the site, with a keyword-packed profile and sharing useful information, the higher your profile ranks in search results. It's kind of like being on the first page of Google. 

I have streamlined the LinkedIn process to make it easy to optimize your profile. I have templates, resources, and a content calendar, and I'm ready to share it all with you starting Tuesday, September 24

LinkedIn for Jobseekers is for you if you:

  • Need to update your profile but you’re unsure how to do it 
  • Are NOT getting messages from recruiters or hiring managers 
  • Know you should “optimize” your LinkedIn profile but you don’t know what that means
  • Haven’t engaged with the platform in awhile and aren’t aware of the updates and new features
  • Are new to LinkedIn and don’t know where to start
  • Hate LinkedIn but know you need it and want to make it as painless as possible 

 Choose the Group Experience ($295) or 1:1 Experience ($495)

Click here to purchase the course ($295 or $495)


The schedule is intense; you’re going to learn a lot in a short time. In four weeks we will cover: 

✔️ WEEK 1 (October 1): Find your keywords + personal brand statements

This is the foundation of your personal brand, resume, and LinkedIn profile.

During Week 1 you will find the “pillar keywords” that tie together your experience in a cohesive way, even if you’re a jack-of-all-trades. Then you will translate these keywords into your personal brand statements, which can be used in your resume, LinkedIn profile, cover letters, job applications, job interviews, and in networking situations. 

✔️ WEEK 2 (October 8): Write effective bullet points

Compelling bullet points in your resume and LinkedIn profile help recruiters understand why they should call you for an interview. 

During Week 2 you will learn how to communicate your experience in succinct, relevant bullet points. You will find numbers to include in your bullet points that illustrate your impact and accomplishments. 

✔️ WEEK 3 (October 15): How to write your LinkedIn profile

Now that you know how to talk about your experience in a compelling way, it’s time to update your LinkedIn profile and optimize the settings.

During Week 3 you will learn how to complete every section of your LinkedIn profile for maximum impact and recruiter appeal. You will follow a template to write your Headline, About, and Experience sections and how to address you’re Open to Work. And you will check your LinkedIn settings to maximize visibility.  

✔️ WEEK 4 (October 22): What to do and say on LinkedIn

It’s not enough to have a complete profile. LinkedIn rewards engagement and authority, so it’s time to get active on the site. 

During Week 4 you will learn all about LinkedIn content - what to say, how to say it, and when to say it. You will learn the best strategies for posting, leaving comments, and creating content that enhances your brand. You will also learn tips for networking and making new connections


LinkedIn for Jobseekers is a hybrid course that runs for four weeks. Each week, you will watch ~45 minutes of videos and complete homework, then meet me on Zoom on Tuesdays from 12:00-1:00 pm EST for a content review and Q&A. (Sessions will be recorded and shared for those who cannot attend.)


  • September 24: Week 1 video + resources available online
  • October 1 from 12:00 - 1:00 pm EST: Week 1 Q&A on Zoom; Week 2 video + resources available online
  • October 8 from 12:00 - 1:00 pm EST: Week 2 Q & A; Week 3 video + resources available online
  • October 15 from 12:00 - 1:00 pm EST: Week 3 Q&A; Week 4 video + resources available online
  • October 22 from 12:00 - 1:00 pm EST: Week 4 Q&A  


There are two purchase options for this course: 

GROUP EXPERIENCE ($295): This includes 4 x 45 min videos, 4 x 60 min live Q&A sessions, resources and templates, and a private LinkedIn group. 

1:1 EXPERIENCE ($495): This includes everything in the GROUP EXPERIENCE + a 1x45 min coaching session with me on Zoom. I will review your work before we meet and we’ll discuss how to edit and finalize your profile.  


I want you to succeed; I want you to land the job of your dreams and LinkedIn can help get you there. So I've included five bonuses to help you turbocharge this course: 

✔️ BONUS #1: “The Beast” ($175 value) This is the 19-page document that I share with my clients that outlines everything you need to know to create, optimize, and share your LinkedIn profile. 

✔️ BONUS #2: Profile Template ($45 value) My 7-page “cheat sheet” to complete every section of your LinkedIn profile, with templates. 

✔️ BONUS #3: Keyword Samples Three examples of my client keyword projects to inspire your keyword search.

✔️ BONUS #4: Open to Work Info Sheet to guide your #OpentoWork LinkedIn posts and networking efforts.

✔️ BONUS #5: Private LinkedIn Group Join other job seekers in my private LinkedIn group for those who have taken this course. Network with other job seekers, support each other, post your tips, get feedback on your work, and ask me questions.

I am confident this course will help your job search because I am sharing the same tips I have used to help hundreds of job seekers land new jobs.

But if you’re not sure this course is right for you, I got you.

You have seven days to try out the first week of the course. Watch the video, do your homework, and if you feel that the rest of the course won’t help you with your personal brand and LinkedIn profile, I’ll refund your purchase price. Details in the FAQs. 

 Choose the Group Experience ($295) or 1:1 Experience ($495)

Click here to purchase the course


I have helped hundreds of job seekers land new roles, whether they are changing jobs, pivoting to a new career, or coming back to work after a career pause. I am teaching you the same techniques my clients have used to consistently land six-figure jobs. You can read client success stories here (names and photos have been changed to protect privacy).

Ethan was a recent graduate and job searching for 16 months before we worked together. We updated his LinkedIn profile on Thursday. Over the weekend, he was contacted by five recruiters and one of those contacts led to his first full-time job.
Ethan, MA
Dan knew layoffs were coming at his office and wanted to prepare. After we updated his LinkedIn profile, he was contacted by a recruiter and was hired at his new position for a 15% salary increase a few months before layoffs were announced at his old job.
Dan, MA
Helen was transitioning into a new industry and wasn’t getting interviews for her ideal roles. After updating her resume and LinkedIn profile, she successfully transitioned from Education to Human Resources and landed a job with a 20% pay bump.
Helen, NY

Read more client success stories and testimonials


Q: Are the live Q&A sessions recorded? 

Yes! Every Q&A session is recorded and shared for those who cannot attend. If you are unable to join us for a session, I encourage you to submit your questions in advance and I will answer them during the session. 

Q: I already have a LinkedIn profile, why do I need this course? 

If you are getting job interviews and recruiters are contacting you, then you don’t need this course. But if you’re not getting any action on your profile, or you haven't updated your profile or been active on the site for a while, this course will help you. 

Q: I am new to LinkedIn, is this course right for me?

I wrote this course with existing LinkedIn users in mind, but if you’re new to the site, you will become an expert pretty quickly. Save yourself months of unproductivity by doing the steps you’ll learn in this course.

Q: Do I need LinkedIn for my job search? 

A great resume is always the first step in your job search. But a strong LinkedIn profile comes in a close second. An optimized LinkedIn profile is an important tool in your job search toolbox - it helps you get discovered by recruiters, it makes networking much easier, and it helps illustrate how you’re an effective and knowledgeable employee. 

Q: How is my resume different from my LinkedIn profile? 

Your resume should be customized for each job you apply to. Your LinkedIn has to describe your background in a way that’s appealing to all the jobs you apply to. This can be difficult if you’re looking for different types of jobs or you’re a jack-of-all-trades with a diverse professional experience. I cover how to handle this in the course. 

Q: How do I get recruiters to notice me on LinkedIn? 

In two major ways: 1) With a complete profile that’s packed with keywords (we cover this in Week 3 of the course), and 2) Being active on the platform, engaging with others, and sharing your knowledge (we cover this in Week 4 of the course).  

Q: How does the 7-day money-back guarantee work?

The first week of the course will run from September 24 - October 1. During this time, you will review the video, complete the homework, and attend my live Q&A session. Afterward, if you feel the course will not help you with your personal brand and LinkedIn profile, please contact me. I will ask to review your work and make suggestions for improvement. At that point, if you want to cancel the rest of the course, you will be dropped from the content and private LinkedIn group and I will refund your purchase price. All refund requests must be made by October 1. 

“This sounds great, but is it right for me?” 

If you’re not sure this course is right for you, it might not be. This course is for those who want a new job and they’re ready to do the work to get there. They’re eager to watch the course videos, meet me for the live sessions, and complete the homework. 

You might give the LinkedIn for Jobseekers course a try if you are …

  • Searching for jobs and not receiving interview requests 
  • Not getting recruiters reaching out to you on LinkedIn
  • Ready to update your LinkedIn profile but unsure how to do it effectively 
  • Not regularly using LinkedIn to boost your job search  


LinkedIn is a valuable tool in your job search, namely because it makes it easier for recruiters to find you, it’s a great way to showcase your skills, and it’s an incredible networking opportunity.  

But this course is not an overnight fix. I’m not saying that you update your LinkedIn profile and - boom - you’ve got a job. 

You get out what you put in. The LinkedIn algorithm rewards engagement, knowledge, and relevance. So the more you update your profile, share your knowledge, and engage with LinkedIn, the higher your profile will rank in search results. And that’s how recruiters and important connections will find you. I’ll tell you how to do it, but you have to put in the time and effort to make it happen. 


I have been helping job seekers with their LinkedIn profiles since 2016. I know it can be overwhelming, confusing, intimidating, and unenjoyable to work on your LinkedIn profile. 

I’ve got you, my friend. I have streamlined the process with the same templates and action steps that I have used to help my clients consistently land six-figure jobs. And I stay current on algorithm updates so you’ve got the latest knowledge to manage your profile for maximum discoverability. 

LinkedIn for Jobseekers, will teach you how to summarize your experience, position your strengths, and appeal to hiring managers and recruiters.

You will update your profile, optimize your settings, and create content that boosts your profile.

And you'll be doing it all following my templates, resources, live Q&A sessions, and the private LinkedIn group. 

Are you ready? Let's do this! Choose GROUP EXPERIENCE ($295) or 1:1 EXPERIENCE ($495)

 Click here to purchase the course